We can't wait to meet you!
No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about St. Mary's Lutheran Church (FAQ):

What is St. Mary's like?

We practice hospitality, generosity and inclusivity starting with greeters at each worship service, helpful ushers and much more! We hope you will feel welcome in our beautiful sanctuary and easy to enter, accessible entry & restrooms all on one level.

Where do I park?

St. Mary's has 2 parking lots, but currently we are only using the east side parking lot. There are ample handicap marked spaces, as well as lots of other parking! You can enter the building without any stairs - it's all one level!

What do I wear?

Many of our members still find "their Sunday best" but we encourage you to come, be present and participate in Christ's Holy Communion "as you are". We want worshiping be a part of your busy weekend. 

How can I get connected?

You are welcome to fill out a communion card, a prayer card, or a "get more infomration" card found in each pew rack in the church; introduce yourself to the greeter or usher, or stop the pastor on your way out. Reaching out via email or calling the office works, too.

Are children welcome in worship?

Yes! Jesus said "Let the little children come to me!" and we do, too!  We have a nursery that you can sit with your little one if they get too squirmy in the pews - but, we encourage children of all ages sit with their families as long as possible. We have a special Kids Connection children's sermonette during Sunday's worship service, too. Ask an usher to guide you to the nursery or to the restrooms.

Do you have virtual worship/live-streaming?

Here to better serve you: As always, St. Mary’s will have all worship services Live Streamed on Facebook/YouTube. Worship materials are PDFs available on our church website "documents". All recorded worship services are available for on-demand viewing on YouTube and here under "sermons". Click this link to go to the church’s YouTube channel to watch our many videos. 

What are your Covid-19 Safety Protocols?

 Love They Neighbor! The St. Mary’s Covid-Taskforce unanimously lifted the facial mask mandate. FACIAL MASKS ARE OPTIONAL while inside the building until further notice.  This is still a very fluid situation, so please continue to be understanding as this is subject to change without notice as needed.It is also still very important to test for the Covid-19 virus and get vaccinated. (10/2024)