The Endowment Foundation
Your Board Members for 2024-25

Neil Guttormsen - President

Tom Cnockert - Vice President, Disbursement Committee

Kay Manderfeld - Secretary

Steve Seymour - Treasurer

Kim Frost - Scholarship Chair, Disbursement Committee

Cheryl Hayes - Public Relations, Disbursement Committee

Keith Richter

John Basler

Steve Hartfield

The Mission of St. Mary's Lutheran Church Endowment Foundation

"To offer members (as well as friends) of St. Mary's Lutheran Church a haven for gifts and memorials which will provide on ongoing source of income for the encouragement of religious, charitable, educational and outreach programs. "

"The Foundation was established in 1980, with a nine-member board of directors elected by and from the congregation to oversee fiduciary responsibilities of the Endowment. "

"Since its founding, the Endowment Fund has provided financial support to more than 100 programs and projects within the church and the community, as well as numerous annual scholarships and educational grants. "

A gift that Gives Forever

Gifts to the St. Mary's Lutheran Church Endowment Foundation are held in perpetuity, generating invesment income each year that provides a continuous source of support for worthy causes that fit our mission statement. 

Gifts may be given for various reaons. The most common donations are in memory of loved ones as a lasting memorial. Others have used such thoughtful giving to celebrate a special milestone in their lives.

A growing number of individuals are choosing to include a gift provision in their will or from a living trust. In so doing, they experience the satisfaction of their benevolence.

Donors can make gifts to the Foundation in the form of monies, real estate, stocks, bonds, annuities, life insurance proceeds, charitable trusts and other convertible properties.