Presentation of our Lord Sunday, January 26th at 9:00am. Welcome! The Rev. Dr. Jordan Miller-Stubbendick, St. Mary's Transition Pastor welcomes you all - at 00:02:00 we begin with an organ prelude by Deb Black followed by Announcements & Temple Talk at (00:07:00). Stephanie Raszkiewicz, council liason to Stewardship shares that NEXT week, on Sunday, 2/16 - at 10:00am is Stewardship Sunday (plus much much more!) Jubliate! under the direction of Maddie Weirick shares a musical greeting (00:20:00). Holy Scriptures begin with readings by Dick Sjoerdsma at (00:25:55). Kids Connection by Jenny Workman begins at 00:30:09. We can do hard things! The Gospel is read at (00:33:28) with the sermon by Pastor Jordan is at (00:36:08). St. Mary's Adult Choir shares a lively "This Little Light of Mine" at (00:54:53). Jubilate! plays during communion (01:04:54). May God bless all who participated in this worship service and who watch it now. Amen.