Take a ride on the Time Machine and join us for this Sunday's worship service using the 1958 Service Book & Hymnal from the Lutheran Church of America. All elements of worship are presented as they were when we (ELCA Lutherans) used that scarlet colored hymnal (setting 2). Pastor Kathy Brown, St. Mary's Interim Pastor, sings all the parts usually sung by male ministers (written in the bass cleft) since females were ordained as pastors in the Lutheran Church until 1970. Announcements (00:11:20). Join us as we worship this 5th Sunday in Lent, Holy Scriptures read by Dick Sjoerdsma from the King James Version Bible (00:21:38) , same for the Gospel (00:24:22), Kids Connection by Stephanie Raszkiewicz (00:32:09), message using the gospel of Mark by Pastor Kathy (00:38900), St. Mary's Adult Choir led by Dr. Sjoerdsma and accompanied by Deb Black at the piano "Mary, Don't Weep" (0100:30). May God bless all who participated and all who watch now. Join us on Palm/Passion Sunday (3/24) for the start of Holy Week. Especially for our 3 First Communicants - Leo, Cynthia and Parker.