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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Worship Service

Welcome to our Contemporary Led worship service this Sunday morning, February 9th. The Rev. Dr. Jordan Miller-Stubbendick preaches and presides over worship this weekend. Bjorn Hanson and his worship team including the Youth from the choir "A Chord for the Lord" join in singing and leading the congregation in praise songs!  This begins with a harmonica prelude by Kip Cushing and Bjorn at (00:02:00). Announcements & special Temple Talk from Finance Committee Chairperson, Dan Neururer (00:12:49). The holy scripture readings begin at (00:24:19) by reader, Kathy Basler. A Kids Connection brings a few kids (not at weekend retreats) up to the stairs (00:30:02) by Stephanie Raszkiewicz.  The holy gospel & sermon by Pastor Jordan begin at (00:34:44).