Welcome to Worship! We are glad you have found us here and May God bless all who participated on this day and who all worship here and now! Amen!
This is the third Sunday after Epiphany. We are joined by transition pastor, The Reverend Dr. Jordan Miller-Stubbendick who preaches and presides today. We start worship with an organ prelude by Deb Black (00:04:00); announcements (00:06:41). Our Assisting Minister and Reader is Julie Schmit. Holy Scriptures begin (00:13:54) with Gospel (00:20:46) & sermon (00:25:49) with Pastor Jordan. A Kids Connection by Stephanie Raszkiewicz (00:22:19). Our Adult Choir sings (00:42:30) under the direction of Dick Sjoerdsma & Deb Black, accompanies.