Good morning and Happy Third Sunday in Advent! This is a special worship service with the St. Mary's Lutheran's Sunday School children's Christmas program "His Name is Jesus". SMLC's new staff member, Joan Oehlberg, Coordinator of Children's Ministry has prepared this program with her helping hands, and children's sharing their gifts of time and talents! Enjoy! The program begins at (00:38:35 -1:00:00) ). Before the service, Church Council President, Keith Richter, shares many valuable announcements including a Matching Fund Raiser from Lutheran Social Services, worship time change on Saturday nights in the New Year; and a recognition of Pastor Cliff Schmidts time with us serving as a transition pastor with our huge THANKS! A new full time, transition pastor,
The Rev. Dr. Jordan Miller-Stubbendick, begins her time with us on Monday, Jan. 6th, 2025.
Worship includes Lighting of the Advent Wreath by the Rader Family (00:05:12), then with reading the gospel, reflection, prayers of the people by Assisting Minister, Julie Schmit, holy communion following. Organ played by staff member, Deb Black.