Welcome to this very special Sunday worship: Reformation Sunday! Pastor Cliff Schmidt, St. Mary's Transition Pastor, shares the Good News of Jesus Christ that we are SAVED by GRACE and GRACE ALONE!
St. Mary's has Welcome by Pr. Cliff & Announcements here (00:03:18); the holy scriptures are read by Ken Winkle (00:20:28), the holy Gospel is read (00:23:38). The Sunday School children sing 2 songs in the Kids Connection spot (00:24:38) and the sermon on Reformation begins (00:34:18). St. Mary's Adult Choir sings "O Lord I Put My Trust In You" (00:54:38). May God continue to use his people like He did when Martin Luther was stirred to share the gospel of the Good News! We are saved by God's abundant and unceasing grace, and not by works! Amen!