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Michael & All Angels Sunday - Traditional Worship

We welcome to worship this weekend & at this service, Pastor Paul Ihlenfeld, supply for the weekend. He has chosen the alternative text available to us and this is a celebrated "Michael & All Angels" Sunday. We begin worship with Announcements from Nan Hylinski & Dick Sjoerdsma (00:06:35) followed by a prelude on organ by Deb Black (00:08:53). Worship begins at (00:11:09). The readings (00:17:11) by Stephanie Raszkiewicz, as well as Kids Connection/Bible Distribution Sunday (00:24:41). Pr. Paul's sermon (00:30:55) is followed by the Adult Choir blessing us with their anthem "With a Voice of Singing" (00:53:01). May God bless all who participated in this worship service and all who watch it now and always. Amen!