Welcome to Worship! It's Rally Sunday and there are lots of things happening during worship & beyond! Starting with Pastor Cliff's welcome, then Temple Talk by Stephanie Raszkiewicz on Sunday School/Youth Education (00:08:45), plus an announcement by Nanette on our the 1.5 mile walk/run for our 150th at PETS! Sign ups are closed, so please come for watching! (10/6). Prelude by Deb Black at (15:06). Our scripture readings begin with Dick Sjoerdsma reading First and Second Lessons (00:21:51) and the Gospel reading begins at (00:26:30). Stephanie does a Kids Connection (00:29:29) and the sermon message by Pastor Cliff begins at (00:35:55). Adult Choir starts their season JOYFULLY! at (01:02:12). Directed by Dr. Richard Sjoerdsma and accompanied by Deb Black at the piano! Enjoy! This IS the day that the Lord has Made!