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Contemporary Worship Sunday - Pr. Cliff Schmidt

Welcome to Worship! This is a very special Sunday! Not only is it a Contemporary Worship led Sunday BUT it is primarily led by our own St. Mary's Youth. Pastor Cliff Schmidt gives a reflection on the scriptures, but the message is 100% by our amazing youth! We thank Kendra Richter, SMLC Youth Director for her leadership; her guides Jasmine Fields & Ben Borter. Announcements begin (00:10:37); Reading of Psalm 103 responsively led by Assisting Minister, Beth Kerscher begins at (00:15:19) & Pastor Cliff reads Ephesians at (00:18:33). His reflection is at (00:20:50).  (00:34:48) begins the message led by Kendra, then followed by 11 youth who share their experience. Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.