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Nineth Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to Worship this single service Sunday to include the Annual Meeting of the  Congregation afterwards. Pastor Debbie Hartfield, Associate Pastor, presided over worship and thankfully was able to also provide the message that our ELCA Youth Gathering-attending youth were supposed to give, BUT a national IT crisis plagued the airlines and their flights were cancelled! They ended up finding 2 rental cars and slowly made their way home!  Thank GOD for small blessings, and for amazing prayers answered!  Welcome & Announcements (00:04:25), Prelude (00:08:49). Reading of the Holy Scriptures by Assisting Minister, Harold Frush (00:17:03). Pastor Debbie reads the Holy Gospel according the Mark & shares the message of the day (00:21:29).  St. Mary's Men's Ensemble once again blessed us in worship with a musical offering (00:46:59). May God bless all who participated and who attended; and may God continue to guide our church during this difficult call process.