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Second Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to Worship on this Second Sunday after Pentecost and the "unofficial" start to summer. This weekend's assisting minister is Julie Schmit. We have special announcements beginning at (00:10:37) and at (00:13:13) Church Council Secretary, Hollie DeFranco, reads the announcement and the church's response to Pastor Kathy Brown's letter of leaving. Her final church servcie will be Sunday, June 23rd at 9:00am. A special musical offering for the prelude is by Ken Winkle on euphonium and Dick Sjoerdsma on piano. Deb Black plays the organ using All Creation Sings Communion Setting 12.  A Parament Dedication and Blessing for our new paraments by Kathy Basler & Gonnie Tromp (00:20:20). Our Reader is Julie Schmit beginning at (00:28:38) and the gospel read by Pastor Kathy begins at (00:32:10) and her sermon at (00:34:13). May God bless all who participated in this worship service, all who watch it now or via live-stream, our sound and video technician for his gifts of A/V; and for the journey we've shared with Pastor Kathy and Dr. Greg Brown these past 2-1/2 years. We will miss you and thank God for you!