Welcome to Worship on this Second Sunday after Pentecost and the "unofficial" start to summer. This weekend's assisting minister is Julie Schmit. We have special announcements beginning at (00:10:37) and at (00:13:13) Church Council Secretary, Hollie DeFranco, reads the announcement and the church's response to Pastor Kathy Brown's letter of leaving. Her final church servcie will be Sunday, June 23rd at 9:00am. A special musical offering for the prelude is by Ken Winkle on euphonium and Dick Sjoerdsma on piano. Deb Black plays the organ using All Creation Sings Communion Setting 12. A Parament Dedication and Blessing for our new paraments by Kathy Basler & Gonnie Tromp (00:20:20). Our Reader is Julie Schmit beginning at (00:28:38) and the gospel read by Pastor Kathy begins at (00:32:10) and her sermon at (00:34:13). May God bless all who participated in this worship service, all who watch it now or via live-stream, our sound and video technician for his gifts of A/V; and for the journey we've shared with Pastor Kathy and Dr. Greg Brown these past 2-1/2 years. We will miss you and thank God for you!