Welcome to Contemporary Worship Sunday Morning! We're happy you're here! We hope you enjoy this service led by our amazing Contemporary Praise Band under the leadership of Bjorn Hanson & Grant June! Worship songs are played throughout the service starting with "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" ELW Hymn 365 (00:10:22)! Two Temple Talks with information to the congregation include Mindy Eltoft, Call Committee & Dana Larsen, Nominating (00:14:22). The assisting minister is Harold Frush; the scripture readings begin at (00:25:45) by Ken Winkle. Pastor Kathy Brown reads the holy gospel according to Luke at (00:29:23). Kids Connection by Stephanie Raszkiewicz is at (00:31:29). Pastor's sermon message is at (00:36:56). May God bless all who participated in worship AND all who watch it now! Amen!