This is a very special day! Welcome to worship as we gather as one community on a Sunday morning to worship, then enjoy a Stewardship Ministry Fair and Old Fashioned Potluck! You'll find our announcements (00:10:29), a Temple Talk by Stephanie Raskiewicz on Stewardship (00:12:00). The organ prelude by musician, Deb Black is at (00:17:27). Beth Kerscher is the Assisting Minister this Sunday. The readings of the holy scriptures by Judy Reynolds begins (00:25:30) and the Gospel reading by Pastor Kathy at (00:31:20). Stephanie does the Kids Connection (00:33:20) and Pastor shares her sermon message at (00:39:40). The adult choir shares "Like As A Father" at (01:02:04) under the direction of Dr. Richard Sjoerdsma. May God bless all that participated this day and all who watch it now. Please join us on Wednesdays in Lent at 6:30pm for Holden Evening Prayer and a Lenten message.