Welcome to Worship - This is All Saints' Sunday. We welcome to preach this day Pastor Kathy Brown, St. Mary's interim pastor. Her gospel reading is 00:35:20 and her message is 00:41:01. We start with a Temple Talk from Call Committee Member, Mindy Eltoft, with an update at 00:12:08. Jubilate! St. Mary's premiere handbell choir under the direction of Maddie Wierick, shares a musical prelude (00:14:13) and musical word (00:24:27). Our scripture readings by Dr. Dick Sjoerdsma start at 00:30:08. The Adult Choir he directs sings at 1:03:13.
May God bless all who watch this now and particiated then. For helping with worship, please contact the church office. It takes a lot of people to make even one worship service run smoothly.