Reformation & Immigration Sunday observances at 9:00am traditional worship service welcoming back to the pulpit, Pastor Kathy Brown. The wearing of red and the celebration of Martin Luther's 95 theses on the doors in Wittenburg in 1517 starting the reformation movement in the world.
Starting the service are 2 temple talks: on our Information Technolog, Andrea Beer (00:12:24) and on National Immigrant Day, Tim Somers (00:15:03). We celebrated a holy baptism of a sweet little Ella (00:30:00) and the Sunday school children sang for us (00:39:07). Our scripture readings begin at (00:43:12) and the holy Gospel (00:48:46). Pastor's sermon message (00:49:49) followed with prayers, holy communion and the combination of St. Mary's Adult Choir and handbell choir, Jubilate! today under the direction of Dr. Richard Sjoerdsma (01:14:06). Praise to the Lord!