Welcome to Worship! October 1 - start of a new month AND this service is blessed with not only the musical offerings by our Adult Choir (01:00:35), but the season premiere of St. Mary's Handbell Choir - JUBILATE! (00:12:50), (00:24:50). The readings of God's Holy Scriptures begins at (00:26:20), with the Gospel according to Matthew read (00:32:51) and her message on it by Pastor Kathy Brown (00:40:00). A Kids Connnection (00:35:51) and the organ playing by Deb Black.
May God bless all who participated in worhsip this day, who watch through our live-streaming, and all who watch on demand in our collection of worship services! Thank you, Art & Olga for your time and talent and partnership in ministry at the Soundboard!