It was Wonderful!!
Sunday, March 9: Pastors Jordan and Adam Talk about Their Life and Work in Palestine
As Christians, Bethlehem and Jerusalem are some of the most important physical locations to our faith. Every Christmas, we celebrate baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and every Easter, we worship Jesus Christ, resurrected in Jerusalem.
We hear a lot about Palestine in the news, but many of us don’t always feel like we have an informed, nuanced understanding of what is really going on in the land that is called holy by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Who are the people living in Bethlehem and Jerusalem today?
On Sunday, March 9, after worship, join Pastor Jordan and her husband, Pastor Adam, for a time of learning about their life and work in Jerusalem, accompanying the Palestinian Lutheran Church. (Yes, there are Lutherans in Palestine!)
They will tell stories, show pictures, and give context for current events taking place in historic Palestine. Their presentation will be an hour to an hour and a half, and will include plenty of time for questions.
DELICIOUS And…there will be food! Right here in Kenosha, we are very lucky to have Narmeen Salem, owner and chef at Zaytuna’s Kitchen. Narmeen is originally from Palestine, and will be preparing traditional Middle Eastern foods for us to enjoy along with the presentation. Both meat-based and vegetarian food will be available.
Thank you!